Monday, August 12, 2013

#13- Good-bye, Stacey, Good-bye

How do you say good-bye to your very best friend?

Childhood Memories: I remember reading this one as a child and I know the basic story line but I don't remember all the details like I do with some books. I didn't hate it but I didn't love it, it was just kind of there. I think I remember them throwing a good-bye party but that's about it.

Book Summary: The book begins with Stacey sitting for Charlotte Johanssen, and then a club meeting. After the meeting ends, Stacey's mom calls and tells her that she needs to get home. When Stacey gets home her parents inform her that the branch of the company that her father works out is closing and that they must move back to New York. Stacey has conflicted emotions about moving but decides to call her best friends Laine and Claudia. Claudia insists that Stacey comes to her house right away. They discuss Stacey moving and try to come up with any other options besides Stacey moving to New York. When they realize the move is inevitable they discuss how much fun Claudia would have visiting. The next day at school, Stacey tells the rest of the club that she's moving. When she leaves to discuss moving with one of her teachers, they discuss throwing a party for Stacey and what the club will do without her there. Mary Anne babysits for Jeff Schafer and they discuss him wanting to move back to California. While getting ready to move, Stacey decides to have a yard sale to get rid of some extra things. She enlists the BSC to help sell the things and they can keep a share of the money. The club decides to use the money to plan a surprise party for Stacey. Stacey is still conflicted about moving to New York. Claudia has a sitting job with the Pikes and thinks about possibly adding Mallory as a member but decides she's too young. The club gets together to organize the yard sale. They decide to sell other items and Stacey discusses with Claudia that she hasn't told Charlotte that she's moving. Kristy babysits for her younger siblings and has a run-in with Morbidda Destiny. Stacey breaks the news to Charlotte that she is moving. She gives Charlotte a gift and tries to make her feel better by showing all the things they're packing up and telling her about the yard sale they're holding. While babysitting for the Barretts, Dawn helps them hold a yard sale and comes up with the brilliant idea to invite babysitting charges to Stacey's party. The girls hold their yard sale which is a huge success and earns them a lot of money. Stacey's party goes great, all the kids have fun playing games and drawing Stacey a mural, they even make her all farewell cards. Stacey attends her last club meeting and the girls decide to invite Mallory Pike to be a junior member of the club. Moving day comes and Stacey says a sad goodbye to all her friends. Claudia gives Stacey a special letter that she reads on the way, they both decide that they will remain the best of friends. 

Snarkable Moments: Let's start off with the book dedication: "With Love to Peanut Butter From Jelly" What the heck is that supposed to mean? Does Ann M. Martin have a secret lover? Is she a lesbian? I've always wondered this. Next, let's discuss how sucky Stacey's diabetes is. I've known diabetics and none of them have had to completely cut sugar out of their lives, in fact sometimes they have to eat sugary foods to bring their blood sugar levels back to normal. Can you imagine going through PMS and not being able to eat any chocolate. Stacey is my new hero. I love how everybody treats Mallory like a baby because she's two years younger. Two years is not that much of a difference, honestly my best friend is two years younger than me and there's never been a problem with our ages being different. Another thing, why is their yard sale so late and so long? Like all the yard sales I've seen start at 8:00 and go until noon but theirs starts at 10:00 and goes until 4:30. One of the games they play at Stacey's party is Musical Rug. What the crap is that? Doesn't a rug destroy the point of Musical Chairs? Also what kind of a middle name is Read? Even Dawn's parents hate her.

Claudia's OOTD: I decided to switch things up a bit today and not do a Claudia outfit (many because her's included a wide purple belt with a telephone belt buckle. Seriously Claud, how am I supposed to find that?). Instead we have:
"She was wearing a very short kilt, an over sized red sweater, and yellow socks over red tights. On her head was a red beret with a sparkly initial pin attached to the side."

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