Wednesday, October 24, 2012

#6 Kristy's Big Day

Kristy's a baby-sitter-- and a bridesmaid, too!

The Jessi: A few things I remember about this book is how cool I thought it was that they had a little day-camp type thing. I thought it would be so cool to be one of the leaders of a group at one of those. I also remember one of Kristy's cousins having a broken leg and Stacey taking some kids to Mary Poppins. These books seriously have an obsession with Mary Poppins. I think I really liked this book when I first read it.

The Mal: Mrs. Thomas and Watson announce that they've set a wedding date for the middle of September. A few days later everything changes when they find out their house has been sold and then have to be moved out by the middle of July. They now have to plan the wedding in 2 and a half weeks.At the next club meeting, Kristy announces that they wedding is soon and that she's going to be a bridesmaid. They discuss what she will wear and talk about going to the Final Fling. Kristy comes home from her last day of school to find her mother in hysterics. A bunch of family members are coming the week before the wedding to help get things ready. With them, they are bringing all their children, 14 in total. Kristy volunteers the BSC to watch all the children. Kristy, Sam, and Charlie have a discussion about what having a new stepdad will be like. Kristy calls an emergency meeting of the club and they plan out their day camp groups. On Sunday (6 days before the wedding) all of Kristy's relatives arrive and she realizes how much she is going to have to work to earn her 120 dollars that her mom promised her. The rest of the week is spent babysitting and finishing wedding plans. Everything goes perfectly with the wedding and Kristy comes up with the perfect wedding gift for her mom and Watson.

The Stacey: Number of children in the playgroup- 14, Days they have to plan the wedding- 17ish, Number of times I would like to punch Karen Brewer in the throat- A Morbidda Destiny times Ben Brewer.

The Dawn: Most of the drama is Kristy whining about how she doesn't want to move across town and how she doesn't want her mom to marry Watson. I think she needs to grow up a little. I understand that it would be hard to move away from your childhood home but she's only moving across town, it's not even like she has to transfer schools. I'm sick of hearing her complain.

The Claudia: Kristy talking about Claudia "She was wearing one of her usual outrageous outfits: a black leotard and skintight red pants under a white shirt that was so big it looked like a lab coat. Claudia's a wonderful artist and she had decorated the shirt herself, covering it with designs painted in acrylic. She had pinned her long, black hair back at the sides with red clips." Do you know how hard it is to find a lab coat with acrylic paint designs? Impossible.

The Mary Anne: Kristy says that Watson can be a jerk sometimes. Really? When? I've never seen him act rude to anyone. Methinks Kristy is a lying sack of potatoes. The girls are so awestruck because they'll be making $120 working full time for a week. That sucks. Can I just say, even though I hate the color pink I would probably die of happiness if I was the owner of the Pink Clinker. Quick somebody come up with a cool nickname for my car. It's gray. The Gray Slayer? Yeah that's still not as cool as the Pink Clinker. So Kristy is all excited because she gets to wear her first pair of heels. Apparently my mom was super liberal because I was wearing heels when I was like 9 or 10, maybe it was just because I had such big feet I had to shop in the women's section already. Can we just talk about the title for a second. Kristy's Big Day? I'm sorry, I guess I was under the impression that the wedding day was usually the bride's big day but obviously Kristy proved wrong and showed it's all about the bridesmaid. Only Kristy.

The Kristy: This was not a favorite of mine. It's a Kristy so that could be the main contributing factor. Also, and I know this is going to sound weird, I don't like it when there's a lot of babysitting in the books. This book was full of babysitting, I could be reading the wrong series I just realized. What kind of BSC fan hates babysitting? We all just know I'm in it for Alan Gray. Love him!

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