Monday, July 29, 2013

Long Time No See.. Or Hear.. Or Read... Whatever.

Okay, so I know that I promised like 8 months ago that there were more blog posts on the way. I lied. Honestly at the time I didn't know I was lying, I had every intention of writing a blog post a day but things change and that didn't work out. I think the main problem was the whole format of how I was writing them before. I read through my old posts and they don't even make sense to me. So starting now, I'm changing things up. From now on there will just be my childhood memory, a summary of the book, random things I noticed/things that bothered me, and of course Claudia's OOTD. Because let's face it, those are the only things that matter anyway.
Another thing I've debated doing is a vlog review, sometimes the idea of talking instead of having to write everything out is more appealing to me. Let me know what y'all think of that. The only problem with that is I feel it would ruin the whole secret of Sabrina Bouvier. Maybe I could just wear a ski mask and it would still be a mystery. Oh wait, I should just wear my favorite pageant dress and shoot the video from the neck down. Because that wouldn't be creepily seductive at all. Maybe I could wear and Alan Gray mask. I loves me some Alan.
Anyway, let me know what you think, I love getting feedback and would love to hear from anyone. Fans, haters, doesn't really matter, I just want to know if anyone is out there listening to my rants.
Stay classy,

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