Monday, August 5, 2013

#11- Kristy and the Snobs

Nobody's going to tell Kristy what to do- especially not the Snobs!

Childhood Memories: I never read this book as a child. I remember reading in later books what happens in this one and how Kristy got Shannon in this book but I didn't read this one for the first time until about a year ago. It was kind of disturbing when I read it then with Louie dying and all. Definitely one I would hide from my children. 

Book Summary: Kristy starts off ranting about how much she hates snobs while she gets ready for school. David Michael shows her that Louie is limping, she shows her mom and then leaves for the bus stop. While waiting for her bus, she gets in a fight with some snobs. At a club meeting that afternoon, Kristy takes her first sitting job for somebody in her neighborhood, the Papadakises. The next day, Kristy and her brothers take Louie to the vet. The vet tells them that Louie has arthritis and can't see very well. Kristy realizes that Louie won't be getting better, this upsets her so she decides to talk a walk. On her walk she meets Shannon Kilbourne and Amanda Delaney. She gets in a fight with Shannon. Kristy goes on her babysitting job for the Papadaskises, all is going smoothly until Shannon calls saying there's a fire in the Papadakises' upstairs window. Kristy rushes the kids out only to discover there is no fire. To get back at her, Kristy sends a diaper service to Shannon's house. Mary Anne babysits for the Perkinses. Jamie Newton insults Gabbie and Mary Anne throws a tea party to make her feel better. Kristy babysits for the Delaney children (aka Satan's spoiled spawn). The kids boss her around and make fun of Louie for not being a purebred. Shannon pranks Kristy again into thinking that one of the Papadakis kids is in trouble. Dawn babysits for her little brother, Jeff. They get into a fight and Jeff screams that he wants to move back to California. At the next club meeting everybody is in a bad mood about different things going on in their lives. Kristy goes home only to find out that Louie is in worse condition than she originally thought when he was an accident on their Oriental rug. Stacey volunteers to babysit for the Delaneys the next time they call the BSC. Using reverse psychology, she is able to get the kids to clean their playroom, and clean up after their afternoon snack. The kids learn to be less bossy. The next time Kristy babysits for them she uses reverse psychology as well. In the middle of her sitting job a pizza delivery man comes saying he has a pizza for her. It turns out Shannon ordered it and she sends the pizza guy to Shannon's house. Shannon comes over to yell at Kristy but they end up laughing over it and almost becoming friends. Claudia has a sitting job for the chicken pox-infested Pikes. The following Friday, Kristy misses the BSC meeting because she's so upset about Louie. His health declines so much that he can't walk on his hind legs and ends up dragging himself around by his front legs in a panicked mode (this scene terrifies me). The family decides to put him down the next morning so he won't suffer any longer. After putting Louie down, the family holds a funeral, some of the neighbors including Shannon attend. At Kristy's next job with the Delaneys, Shannon comes over with a surprise. She wants to give Kristy one of her puppies to make up for Louie dying. Kristy asks for permission to keep the puppy and invites David Michael over to meet the puppy. At first David Michael is hesitant about getting a new puppy but he warms up quickly and decides to name it Shannon. The next time the club is hanging out they decide to invite Shannon to be an associate member, she accepts and they all become friends. 

Snarkable Moments: Kristy starts off the book by talking about things she can't stand, one of which includes squirrels. Who doesn't like squirrels? I mean honestly. They're cute with their little chunky cheeks and their fluffy tails. Don't be hatin', Kristy. The thing she hates most is of course snobs. She says she didn't meet many snobs in her neighborhood during the summer because they were all away at "fancy camps" and talks about how lame camps are. Sorry Kristy, but you're going to be eating your words in like 20 books when you go to Camp Mohawk. Maybe Camp Mohawk isn't fancy so it doesn't count, I don't know. Moving on, Kristy talks about babysitting for the Papadakises a couple of times. I have always wondered what race they are. I know it isn't imperative to the story line but I just really want to know. What do you guys think? I'm going with either Greek or Indian. I only say Indian because the youngest daughter's name is Sari. Also, just wondering if Karen ever describes what Hannie looks like in the Little Sister series. For some reason in my head, I always pictured Hannie as a red head. One thing I love about the Papadaskises, they have a poodle... named Noodle. Let's add that to things I need to continue surviving life. So back to my problems with Kristy in this book, at one point she talks about staying late at school and catching the late bus home. That just sounds weird to me. Like my school only had one bus time, if you didn't make it, you were screwed, no late bus for you. Also it seems like Kristy already had to bend the rules to stay at SMS and not go to Stoneybrook Day, I seriously doubt there would be a bus to take just one kid to a neighborhood way the crap out of the way. Also, as part of a prank Kristy orders a diaper service for Shannon. She sees the diaper truck deliver a box of diapers to Shannon's door and leave. Really? Who's paying for this? Diapers are pretty expensive so I doubt Kristy would spend that much on a prank and they wouldn't just leave them on Shannon's doorstep for free. Dangit Ann M. Martin, get your crap together. One thing I did like about this book is that I think they accurately captured what it's like to put down an animal. Kristy talks about her conflicted feelings but keeps going back to the fact that she knows it's what's best for Louie. 

Claudia's OOTD: This book does not mention a single Claudia outfit but it did however mention a Gabbie Perkins outfit so here you go. 
"She was wearing one of her mother's slips, a necktie belonging to her father, a feather boa, a straw hat, sunglasses, and snow boots."

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